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How Pachama Finds the Highest Quality Forest Carbon Projects

High-quality nature-based projects deliver climate benefits, protect biodiversity, and support the rural communities that manage forests. Amidst increasing scrutiny, leading companies need modern, dynamic criteria to find the very best forest projects.
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High-quality nature-based projects deliver climate benefits, protect biodiversity, and support the rural communities that manage forests. Amidst increasing scrutiny, leading companies need modern, dynamic criteria to find the very best forest projects.

At Pachama, we are committed to quality. Over the past four years, we’ve evaluated over 150 forest carbon projects certified by the world’s four largest voluntary carbon registries, and we’ve learned a few things! Our passionate forest scientists, technologists, and carbon market experts have pored over our past results and recent research to develop Project Evaluation Criteria 2.1. With this updated approach, we raise our quality bar even higher, advancing a more transparent and high-integrity carbon market that reflects the latest advancements in technology and scientific research. We hope this brings us one step closer to the modern carbon market that our planet demands.

See how we evaluate quality.

The Pachama Quality Standard.

What do we mean by ‘quality’? Every forest conservation or restoration project listed on the Pachama Marketplace must adhere to our four core standards: 

  1. Additional: emissions reductions would not have occurred without the incentive of carbon credits.
  2. Conservative: emissions reductions are robustly quantified, and each credit represents at least one metric ton of carbon. 
  3. Durable: the project delivers a long-lasting climate benefit ensured by continuous monitoring and public reporting.
  4. Beyond Carbon: the project causes no net harm and delivers biodiversity and community benefits.

Project Evaluation Criteria.

To ensure every forest project we offer upholds our Quality Standard, we’ve developed the Project Evaluation Criteria. It comprises a series of quality checks every project must pass. Remote sensing is core to many of these checks; however, it can’t tell the whole story, so we also surface important insights relevant to carbon credit quality. Check out an overview of each of our checks below.

What’s next? 

We are committed to continuously improving our criteria as we advance our technology and uncover new research. While we recognize many projects in the market today are delivering climate and community benefits, our latest Project Evaluation Criteria elevates a subset of quality projects that we believe best exemplify the future of carbon markets

We see technology playing an even more critical role in scaling forest restoration at the rate required to meet The Paris Agreement targets. Our long-term vision is to use technology earlier in project development, effecting a more streamlined and cost-effective verification process and ensuring equitable benefit sharing with frontline communities. This tech-enabled future will ultimately allow us to bring more high-quality projects to market faster. 

In the meantime, we’ll continue to share our ongoing research and learnings with market participants, experts, and the general public. Pachama is devoted to transparency, and we want our evaluation process to be accessible to all. Click below for a more detailed explanation of our new criteria, subscribe to our newsletter to learn about our progress, and share your questions or feedback at science@pachama.com

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