Project impact at a glance


hectares restored


trees planted


native species planted


tCO2e removed

A story of Louisiana revival

Mississippi river valley, united states

The countries' largest floodplain restoration footprint

The project aims to restore marginal farmland at the convergence of the Red and Black Rivers between two Wildlife Management Areas, creating critical linkages to Catahoula Lake, an internationally recognized RAMSAR wetland. Covering more than 2,400 hectares, or 5,400 football fields, Avahoula represents the largest floodplain restoration project in the United States and is protected by a permanent conservation easement. 

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project impacts

Benefits go beyond carbon

This project will also support the environment, biodiversity, and local communities, including: 

  • Invaluable ecosystem services: the project will provide an estimated $2.7B for new and permanently protected ecosystem services, including supporting migratory waterfowl, providing improved recreational experiences, and building climate resilience.
  • Protecting a biodiversity hotspot: the Mississippi River Valley has diverse habitats, including floodplains, emergent wetlands, and swamps, representing a critical migratory pathway for 60% of North America’s bird species and 40% of the US’s waterfowl.
  • Safeguarding local communities: project activities will reduce flood risk, decrease runoff to the Gulf of Mexico, and create green jobs through logistics and tree planting. 

Pachama originals technology

See project impacts in action

Harnessing remote sensing and AI technology, Pachama delivers high-integrity carbon accounting, deep project design diligence, and unprecedented insight into ongoing impacts. 

Pachama Originals buyers will have access to:

  • Project progress tracking
  • Ongoing monitoring
  • Project diligence and carbon accounting
  • Delivery and retirement tracking

What's new?

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