Baseline map


Make defensible decisions with DMRV

Expert insights. Data-driven decisions.

Pachama’s DMRV-driven reports expedite your diligence process, making it easy to evaluate quality and assess risk.

Why choose Diligence

Pre-existing tree cover

Quickly screen carbon criteria with automated DMRV insights

Flag carbon issues early with accessible reports powered by state-of-the-art geospatial tools.

  • Summarized assessments of critical carbon factors including additionality, conservative accounting, and durability.
  • Reports harness proprietary Pachama DMRV tools to quantify project baselines, leakage risk and land suitability.
  • Simple red and green flags backed with intuitive summaries for each check.

Quality Check Summary

Access expert analysis of key project attributes

Pachama experts ask the right questions, honed through years of evaluating, optimizing, and developing projects.

  • Dozens of checks spanning native species, developer capacity, and stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Summarized insights for easy comparison.
  • Expert interpretation in simple language.
  • Independent analysis of project claims.

Results card

Easily compare results across projects

No project is without risk. Get the data you need to make an informed decision.

  • Standardized criteria and simple flags make it easy to compare projects.
  • Simple explanation of risks, including reputational risk, delivery risk, and financial risk.
  • Intuitive summaries that any internal stakeholder could understand.