
Pachama's tech explained.

How earth observation and artificial intelligence can drive the next generation of investments in nature.


Pachama's Proprietary Technology

Our core technologies

At Pachama, we’re developing three core technologies required to modernize the voluntary carbon market and create a future where high-integrity, transparent carbon credits can scale at the speed our planet demands.


Estimating carbon

Status Quo: Field crews measure individual trees by hand to inventory carbon stocks over a small sample of a project’s area. This process costs tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars and can take months—or even years.

Pachama’s Approach: We are building machine-learning models that integrate satellite data, field plots, and 3D airborne lidar imaging to map forest carbon over entire regions, and eventually, anywhere in the world. This satellite-based carbon mapping unlocks a more scalable, cost-efficient future for crediting.

See how satellite-based carbon mapping can help scale forest carbon markets.


Assessing the baseline

Status Quo: In forest carbon markets, a baseline is a business-as-usual scenario used to estimate expected emissions without the incentive of carbon financing. Today, credit issuance relies on historical data and a complex set of subjective factors to set baselines.

Pachama’s Approach: Using machine learning models, we match each satellite pixel in a project to a ‘control’ pixel outside the project with similar attributes. We then use satellite data to observe forest loss in the control pixels compared to the pixels in the project area.

See how a tech-driven approach to baselines can transform carbon crediting.


Monitoring forest cover change

Status Quo: Most registries require that projects are monitored only every 7 years. Years could pass without information of a forest fire or illegal deforestation.

Pachama’s Approach: We use high-resolution satellite imagery and cloud-penetrating radar to track losses and gains in forest areas over time, unlocking continuous visibility across an entire forest.


Digitizing the
carbon market


Since our founding in 2018, we’ve sought to lead the way in Digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (DMRV). Our goal is to create a registry-integrated system that provides a modern, intuitive experience for both project developers and buyers through a transparent, simplified crediting process.

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